Updated: July 24, 2023
In order to comply with the laws of the State of TN, all CS Coaches must complete the following three courses annually:
4. Heat Illness Prevention - Free
After completion to tests, certificates are to be uploaded to the coach's FinalForms account. Coaches will also receive one hour credit for FLEX hours by uploading the certificate in Vector.
*Collierville Schools is in the process to set up CPR/AED training for coaches.
Instructions for all Coaches in CS
1. Go to nfhslearn.com
2. Sign in or sign up for an account
3. Order Course/Take quiz for “Concussion in Sports"
4. Order Course/Take quiz for “Sudden Cardiac Arrest"
1. Go to nfhslearn.com
2. Sign in or sign up for an account
3. Order Course/Take quiz for “Concussion in Sports"
4. Order Course/Take quiz for “Sudden Cardiac Arrest"
5. Order Course/Take quiz for "Bullying, Hazing, and Inappropriate Behaviors"
6. Order Course for "Heat Illness Prevention"
In addition to the above, all Classified & Non-Faculty Coaches must complete these two courses:
*one-time and not annually
1.Fundamentals of Coaching - $100
2. First Aid - $100
Follow the same instructions listed above.
**A PO must be on file with the school, prior to the completion of tests, for reimbursement.